It’s not easy to come up with a marketing strategy that works for your dental practice. Due to the intense competition that dental offices face, as well as the need to maintain a positive online reputation, it is becoming increasingly necessary for dentists to create distinct dental branding that stands out from the crowd.
As a business, you want to make sure that a feature or service stands out from the competition. You’re likely to slip behind if your brand isn’t distinct. Building a brand as a dentistry office isn’t about logos and graphics; it’s about the message you give out to the public.
What’s the best way to go about it? Start by asking yourself some questions to help you develop a unique dental branding and strategy identity, such as:
- Who is your target customer?
- What are the main customer pain points?
- Who is your competition?
- What makes you different?
- Why should patients trust you?
Tips To Support Your Dental Branding Marketing
Whilst answering these questions, here are some extra tips to help you brand your dental practice.
Your Branding Specialty
Every dental clinic will also establish its area of expertise to differentiate itself. Although most dental practices provide comparable services, is there a way for your practice to outperform your competitors? This should be conveyed in your brand message. Is your area of expertise children’s dentistry or aesthetic dentistry? Your brand must communicate this to the public so that they are aware of your area of expertise.
What Is Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
As a unique selling proposition, your specialties must be turned into a strength. What would it look like if you were trying to market a service to a prospective patient? Consider who your ideal patient is, what makes your brand special, how it differs from the competition, and why potential patients should select you. This will establish the values that your company stands for. Captivate the audience with it, and then act on it with the dental products and services you provide.
Build Your Social Media Presence
One of the strongest ways to market your brand to your target audience these days is through dental social media marketing. Gone are the methods of word-of-mouth or local communities to get your dental practice recognised. Now, prospective patients are likely to use the internet to determine the best brand to choose for dental products and services, and you need to be able to send out a clear message to those users to choose your practice and why. Showcase your values and grab the attention of your audience straight away. Not only communicate with your users directly, but do so through your content, such as if you’ve any service offers, how your dental practice operates, or videos of how dental services are performed.
Optimising Your Content
Optimising your content means making sure that your content is consistent and fresh. Make sure that your ads, content and presence keep users’ eyes glued to your brand. You’re not only looking to focus on search engine optimisation (SEO) (which is very important to remain on top of Google searches), but you want to ensure you’re keeping your dental branding visible in months and years ahead to remain successful., and your content provides this opportunity. Blogging is a great example of keeping your patients interested by writing content that answers the pressing questions they may have.
Maintain A Quality Patient Experience
Your brand will be defined by the experience you provide to your patients. If one of your values in your brand mission statement is to provide a positive patient experience, make sure you live up to that promise. There is nothing more frustrating for a new patient than having high expectations of your practice and receiving a dental service that falls short of those expectations. This also tarnishes the image of your company.
Identify Your Dental Branding Specialty
Every dental clinic will also establish its area of expertise to differentiate itself. Although most dental practices provide comparable services, is there a way for your practice to outperform your competitors? This should be conveyed in your brand message. Is your area of expertise children’s dentistry or aesthetic dentistry? Your dental branding must communicate this to the public so that they are aware of your area of expertise.
To be successful, you need to be unique. A lack of a digital marketing strategy will mean you’ll fall by the wayside, and the competition will press ahead of you. This doesn’t spell good news for maintaining your patient base because it is easy enough to find a new practice to serve them better. Ensure your brand is viewed as an inspired choice for new patients.
Do you need help with your brand marketing for your dental practice? Contact us at Smile and Grow the Trusted Dental Marketing in Australia, and we’d be happy to help.